Deep Play


2022.10.01 – 10.30,非常廟藝文空間,台北


《沉浸扮演》,是來自反普丁暴行的異議影像創作者組合:迪娜・卡拉曼(Dina Karaman)與弗拉基米爾.納登(Vladimir Nadein)長期針對《俠盜獵車手:罪惡俄羅斯》(GTA: Criminal Russia)的研究計畫,由獨立策展人徐詩雨協助策劃。這個遊戲,是一個根據《俠盜獵車手》(Grand Theft Auto)修改的非官方多人線上遊戲。

《俠盜獵車手:罪惡俄羅斯》充滿俄羅斯視覺文化元素 —- 建築形制、基礎設施、國家符號。玩家必須遵循遊戲機制獲得政府機構中的職位,而在位階爬升的過程中,充滿了對次等位階人們的暴力與霸凌。在遊戲世界中發生的各種事件,像是節日、紀念與聚會,也鏡射著現實世界中國家意識形態宣傳機制的滲透。

展覽中的影像都截取自《俠盜獵車手:罪惡俄羅斯》玩家們上傳到 YouTube 的遊戲紀錄。這些遊戲紀錄是當下俄羅斯部分人民的精神認知的速寫,體現由國家主導的單一敘事如何無孔不入的深入一般民眾的心中。藝術家長期、廣泛、深入的調查與研究,翻轉了數位檔案非物質化的概念,進一步思考數位檔案與其物質基礎,以及如何利用這個物質基礎作為一種抵抗的見證。延續藝術家之前使用現成影片創作與進行工作坊的手法,他們仍持續思考如何建構數位景觀的檔案,以抵抗霸權化的帝國主義敘事與單一化的國家政治宣傳。

《沉浸扮演》借用自歷史學家安德魯‧丹寧的論文題目《深度遊戲?電玩遊戲與歷史想像》(Deep Play? Video Games and the Historical Imaginary,2021)。丹寧認為電玩遊戲是一種塑造數位歷史與公共歷史的形式,其身兼文化實踐與社交網路的特性,得以一窺當代的歷史想像與文化製造模式。儘管在這個展覽中沒有明確指向特定的歷史事件,但歷史具體的展現在數位世界的各種視覺元素與事件中,影響線上參與者互動的敘事。play 在英語中的雙關,既指向玩電動遊戲,也指向本遊戲的核心特色 — 角色扮演。在這個世界裡,如同在現實中的俄羅斯,重現、扮演與國家敘事無法被分割。

VT Artsalon 非常廟藝文空間期許能透過持續性的藝術計畫,與反戰/反侵略/反極權的藝術家們站在一起,提供一個具包容性與平等對話的平台,讓受壓迫者的聲音得以被聽見。


Deep Play

2022.10.01 – 10.30, VT Art Salon, Taipei

Artists: Dina Karaman, Vladimir Nadein

Deep Play is a long-term research project by dissident filmmaking duo Dina Karaman and Vladimir Nadein concerning GTA: Criminal Russia, a game engine and an unofficial online multiplayer modification of the controversial video game Grand Theft Auto.

The visual landscape of GTA: Criminal Russia is laden with Russian attributes, such as the ornamentation of the buildings, infrastructural design and national symbolism. Players obey the rigid game mechanisms to acquire governmental positions. In the process of rising through the ranks, they are compelled to bully and exert violence over their inferiors. Special events that take place in the game, including holidays, memorial ceremonies and gatherings, mirror the ubiquitous penetration of national ideology propaganda that occurs in reality.

The moving images presented in this exhibition have been appropriated from recordings uploaded to YouTube by the game’s fandom. This found footage is a snapshot of the current psyche of certain citizens in Russia, exemplifying how a single narrative told by the nation spreads to every aspect of its citizens’ lives. The artists investigate the materiality of the digital archive and the archiving as their gesture of resistance. Their deep and extensive research overturns the notion of the digital archive as immaterial. Extending upon their past collective practice and workshops with found footage, Dina Karaman and Vladimir Nadein continue their reflections on how to build an archive of digital land-/mindscapes in order to resist hegemonic imperial narratives and singular national propaganda.  

The exhibition title Deep Play has been adopted from historian Andrew Denning’s article, “Deep Play? Video Games and the Historical Imaginary” (2021). According to Denning, the video game is a medium shaping digital and human history. Encompassing cultural practices and social networks, it offers a glimpse into our contemporary historical imagination and cultural making. In Deep Play, however, no exact historical event is specified. Here, history is embodied through visual elements and events that occur in the game-world, influencing the way that players interact with each other. For this exhibition, the word “play” not only references game-playing, but also emphasizes the role-playing essential to GTA: Criminal Russia. In this world, reenactment, roleplay and national narrative are inseparable. 

Dina Karaman and Vladimir Nadein condemn the war waged by Russia against Ukraine and the tragic сrimes committed there. VT ArtSalon stands in solidarity with artists who challenge any form of imperialism, war and/or totalitarianism. VT ArtSalon is devoted to maintaining an inclusive and egalitarian space for suppressed voices through art. We urge people around the world to oppose Russia’s aggression by raising awareness, compelling their governments to act and supporting the people of Ukraine. 

To stand with the struggle of Ukraine: